Recent Publications (Chronologically Ordered)
- Curtis R. Taylor, Douglas C. MacFarland, Doran R. Smestad, Craig A. Shue "Contextual, Flow-Based Access Control with Scalable Host-based SDN Techniques," IEEE INFOCOM Conference, April 2016.
- Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of Presidential Policy Directive 28: The Feasibility of Software to Provide Alternatives to Bulk Signals Intelligence Collections, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options, National Academies Press, 2015
- Hang Cai and Krishna K. Venkatasubramanian, "Detecting Malicious Temporal Alterations of ECG signals in Body Sensor Networks", IEEE International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS '15), New York, NY, November 2015. (Accepted for Publication)
- Douglas C. MacFarland, Craig A. Shue "The SDN Shuffle: Creating a Moving-Target Defense using Host-based Software-Defined Networking," ACM CCS Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD), October 2015. [PDF]
- Bandara, V. Scharf, L. Paffenroth, R., Jayasumana, A., Du Toit, P. (2015) Empirical Recovery Regions of Robust PCA, In preparation for submission to Signal Processing, Elsevier.
- Marc Green, Douglas C. MacFarland, Doran R. Smestad, Craig A. Shue, "Characterizing Network-Based Moving Target Defenses," ACM CCS Workshop on Moving Target Defenses (MTD), October 2015. [PDF]
- Krishna K. Venkatasubramanian, Eugene Y. Vasserman, Vasiliki Sfyrla, Oleg Sokolsky, and Insup Lee. "Requirement engineering for functional alarm system for interoperable medical devices". In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2015), The Delft, The Netherlands, Sept. 2015. [PDF]
- Cynthia E. Rogers, Alexander W. Witt, Alexander D. Solomon, and Krishna K. Venkatasubramanian, “An approach for user identification for head-mounted displays”. In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC’15), Osaka, Japan, September, 2015. [PDF]
- Hislop, G, Ellis, H., Pulimood, S., Morgan, B., Mello-Stark, S., Coleman, B., Macdonell, C., "A Multi-Institutional Study of Learning via Student Involvement in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software Projects," ACM ICER 2015, August 9-13, Omaha, Nebraska.
- Douglas C. MacFarland, Craig A. Shue, Andrew J. Kalafut, "Characterizing Optimal DNS Amplification Attacks and Effective Mitigation," Passive and Active Measurement Conference, 2015. [PDF]
- Salman Saghafi, Ryan Danas, and Daniel J. Dougherty. Exploring theories with a model-finding assistant. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, Automated Deduction - CADE-25 - 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Berlin, Germany, August 1-7, 2015, Proceedings, volume 9195 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 434-449. Springer, 2015. [PDF]
- Transferring Skills at Solving Word Problems from Computing to Algebra Through Bootstrap. Emmanuel Schanzer, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, and Matthias Felleisen. SIGCSE 2015. [PDF]
- Joshua D. Guttman and Moses D. Liskov and Paul D. Rowe. Measuring Protocol Strength with Security Goals.Submitted for publication. April, 2015. [PDF]
- H. Abelson, R. Anderson, S. Bellovin, J. Benaloh, M. Blaze, W. Diffie, J. Gilmore, M. Green, S. Landau, P. Neumann, R. Rivest, J. Schiller, B. Schneier, M. Specter, and D. Weitzner, Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications, MIT-CSAIL-TR-2015-026 (tech report), July 6, 2015, to apper, Journal of Cybersecurity. [PDF]
- Hang Cai, Krishna K. Venkatasubramanian, "Poster: Detecting Malicious Morphological Alterations of ECG Signals in Body Sensor Networks", ACM International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN' 15), Seattle, WA, April, 2015. [PDF]
- Jian Xu, Vasiliki Syfrla, and Krishna K. Venkatasubramanian, "WiP: Methodology for generating attack trees for interoperable medical devices". In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS '15), Seattle, WA, April, 2015. [PDF]
- Mello-Stark, S., Lamagna, E., "Increasing Trust in Elections via a Simple Algorithm," IEEE 2015 International Symposium on Mining and Web (MAW 2015/AINA 2015) March 24-27 Gwangju, Korea.
- S. Landau, "NSA and Dual EC_DRBG: Deja Vu All Over Again?," Mathematical Intelligencer, to appear.
- S. Landau, Control Use of Data to Protect Privacy, Science, Vol. 347, Issue 6221, January 30, 2015. [PDF]
- Alvitta Ottley, Evan M. Peck, Lane Harrison, Daniel Afergan, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Holly A. Taylor, Paul K. J. Han, Remco Chang, "Improving Bayesian Reasoning: The Effects of Phrasing, Visualization, and Spatial Ability", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis), 2015. [PDF]
- Beste F. Yuksel, Daniel Afergan, Evan M Peck, Garth Griffin, Lane Harrison, Nick W.B. Chen, Remco Chang and Robert J.K. Jacob, "BRAAHMS: A Novel Adaptive Musical Interface Based on Users' Cognitive State", New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2015. [PDF]
- Drew Skau, Lane Harrison, Robert Kosara, "An Evaluation of The Impact of Visual Embellishments In Bar Charts", Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis), 2015. [PDF]
- Lane Harrison, Katharina Reinecke, Remco Chang, "Infographic Aesthetics: Designing for the First Impression", Proc. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2015. [PDF]
- Ramyar Saeedi, Janet Purath, Krishna Venkatasubramanian, Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Toward Seamless Wearable Sensing: Automatic On-Body Sensor Localization for Physical Activity Monitoring, The 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), August 26–30, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Salman Saghafi and Daniel J. Dougherty. Razor: Provenance and exploration in model-finding. In 4th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR), 2014. [PDF]
- John D. Ramsdell, Daniel J. Dougherty, Joshua D. Guttman, and Paul D. Rowe. A hybrid analysis for security protocols with state. In Joint Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security and Formal and Computational Cryptography (FCS/FCC), 2014. [PDF]
- Evan J. Frenn, Craig A. Shue, "Towards Leveraging Late-Launch to Create Trustworthy Thin-Terminal Clients," ASE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2014. [PDF]
- K. K. Venkatasubramanian and C. A. Shue, “Adaptive Information Security in Body Sensor-Actuator Networks”, In Proc. of 2014 Usenix Summit on Health Information Technologies”, Aug 2014. [PDF]
- S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, and S. Landau, Comments on Proposed Search Rules, Preliminary Draft of Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of Appelate, Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Procedure, October 32, 2014. [PDF]
- CaptainTeach: Multi-Stage, In-Flow Peer Review for Programming Assignments, Joe Gibbs Politz, Daniel Patterson, Shriram Krishnamurthi, and Kathi Fisler. International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), 2014. [PDF]
- In-Flow Peer Review. Dave Clarke, Tony Clear, Kathi Fisler, Matthias Hauswirthm, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Joe Gibbs Politz, Ville Tirronen, and Tobias Wrigstad. Working group report from ITiCSE 2014.
- In-Flow Peer-Review of Tests in Test-First Programming, Joe Gibbs Politz, Shriram Krishnamurthi, and Kathi Fisler. International Conference on Computing Education Research (ICER), 2014. [PDF]
- The Recurring Rainfall Problem, Kathi Fisler. International Conference on Computing Education Research (ICER), 2014. [PDF]
- R. Danas, D. Lally, N. Miller, J. Synott, C. Shue, H. Ghasemzadeh, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, “Designing User-specific Plug-n-Play into Body Area Networks”, In Proc. of 4th ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare (MobileHealth), Aug 2014. [PDF]
- K. K. Venkatasubramanian, “The Chronicles of Interoperability: Failures, Safety, and Security”, AAMI Horizons Magazine, Spring 2014. [PDF]
- Curtis R. Taylor, Craig A. Shue, Nathanael R. Paul, "A Deployable SCADA Authentication Technique for Modern Power," IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 [PDF]
- Russell C. Toris, Sonia Chernova, Craig A. Shue, "Message Authentication Codes for Secure Remote Non-Native Client Connections to ROS Enabled Robots," IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA) 2014 [PDF]
- H. Cai, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, SIFT: Multi Physiological Signal Feature Correlation-based Sensor Compromise Detection in Body Sensor Networks, Technical Report, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, WPI-CS-TR-14-04, July 2014. [PDF]
- Daniel J. Dougherty and Joshua D. Guttman. Decidability for lightweight Diffie-Hellman protocols. In IEEE 27th Computer Security Foundations Symposium, CSF 2014, Vienna, Austria, 19-22 July, 2014, pages 217-231, 2014. [PDF]
- S. Landau, "Educating Engineers: Teaching Privacy in a World of Open Doors IEEE Security and Privacy", Vol. 12, No. 3, May/June 2014, pp. 66-70. [PDF]
- C. Taylor, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, C. Shue, “Understanding the Security of Interoperable Medical Devices using Attack Graphs”, In Proc. of 3rd ACM International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems (HiCoNS), Berlin, Germany, April 2014 [PDF]
- K. K. Venkatasubramanian, E. Vasserman, O. Sokolsky, I. Lee, “Extended Abstract – Functional Alarms for Systems of Interoperable Medical Devices”, In Proc. of 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, Miami, FL, Jan, 2014
- K. K. Venkatasubramanian, Tridib Mukherjee, and Sandeep K. S. Gupta, “CAAC – An Adaptive and Proactive Access Control Approach for Emergencies for Smart Infrastructures”, In ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems vol. 8 (4) Jan 2014 [PDF]
- S. Landau, "Making Sense of Snowden Part II: What's Significant in the NSA Surveillance Revelations", IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 12, No. 1, January/February, 2014 [PDF]
- S. Bellovin, M. Blaze, S. Clark, S. Landau, "Lawful Hacking: Using Existing Vulnerabilities for Wiretapping on the Internet", Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2014). [PDF]
- Joshua D. Guttman. Establishing and Preserving Protocol Security Goals. Journal of Computer Security, 22(2), pp. 203--267, 2014. [PDF]
- Lane Harrison, Fumeng Yang, Steven Franconeri, Remco Chang, "Ranking Visualizations of Correlation Using Weber's Law", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis), 2014. [PDF]
- Diane Staheli, Tamara Yu, Jordan Crouse, Suresh Damodaran, Kevin Nam, David O'Gwynn, Sean McKenna, Lane Harrison, "Visualization Evaluation for Cyber Security: Trends and Future Directions", Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 2014. [PDF]
- R. Machado, F. Usher, E. Frenn, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, “Short Paper: Establishing Trust in a Vehicular Network”, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2013 (IEEE VNC 2013), Boston, MA, Dec 2013. [PDF]
- J. Chang, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, A. G. West , I. Lee, "Analyzing and Defending Against Web-based Malware", In ACM Computing Surveys, vol 45 (4), Dec 2013 [PDF]
- A. Banerjee, S. K. S. Gupta, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, "PEES: Physiology-based End-to-End Security for mHealth", In Proc. 4th Annual Wireless Health Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2013 [PDF]
- Marco Carbone, Joshua D. Guttman: Sessions and Separability in Security Protocols. POST 2013: 267-286 [PDF]
- Fahri Karakaya and Suzanne Mello-Stark, "Online Trust: Strategies to build confidence from a business perspective," Journal of Advanced Management and Business Research. August, 2013.
- S. Landau, Making Sense of Snowden: What's Significant in the NSA Surveillance Revelations, IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 11, No. 4, July/August 2013,pp. 54-63. [PDF]
- Craig A. Shue, Nathanael R. Paul, Curtis R. Taylor, "From an IP Address to a Street Address: Using Wireless Signals to Locate a Target," USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT), Aug. 2013 [PDF]
- J. Chang, P. Gebhard, A. Haeberlen, Z. Ives, I. Lee, O. Sokolsky and K. K. Venkatasubramanian, "TrustForge: Flexible Access Control for Collaborative Crowd-Sourced Environment", In Proc. of International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST 2013, Tarragona, Spain, July 2013 [PDF]
- Craig A. Shue, Andrew J. Kalafut. "Resolvers Revealed: Characterizing DNS Resolvers and their Clients," ACM/IEEE Transactions on Internet Technology, July 2013 [PDF]
- C. Liao, J. Chang, I. Lee, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, "A Trust Model for Vehicular Network-Based Incident Reports", In Proc. of IEEE WiVeC 2013, Dresden, Germany, June 2013 [PDF]
- Antonyan, T., Bromley, T., Michel, L., Russel, A., Shvartsman, A., Mello-Stark, S., "Computer Assisted Post Election Audits," State Certification Testing of Voting Systems National Conference, Harrisburg, PA. June 20-21, 2013.
- S. K. S. Gupta, T. Mukherjee, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, Body Area Networks: Safety, Security and Sustainability, Cambridge University Press, May 2013
- David Muchene, Klevis Luli, Craig A. Shue, "Reporting Attacks via a Covert Ethernet Channel," IEEE S&P Workshop on Research for Insider Threat (WRIT), May 2013. This paper received the Best Paper Award at WRIT. [PDF]
- Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Joshua D. Guttman: Chorus: scalable in-band trust establishment for multiple constrained devices over the insecure wireless channel. WISEC 2013: 167-178 [PDF]
- Chuan Lei, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Joshua D. Guttman. Robust distributed stream processing. ICDE 2013: 817-828 [PDF]
- Ming Li, Shucheng Yu, Joshua D. Guttman, Wenjing Lou, Kui Ren: Secure ad hoc trust initialization and key management in wireless body area networks. TOSN 9(2): 18 (2013) [PDF]
- Tim Nelson, Arjun Guha, Daniel J. Dougherty, Kathi Fisler, and Shriram Krishnamurthi. A balance of power: Expressive, analyzable controller programming. In ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networks, 2013 [PDF]
- Tim Nelson, Salman Saghafi, Daniel J. Dougherty, Kathi Fisler, and Shriram Krishnamurthi. Aluminum: Principled scenario exploration through minimality. In 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 232-241, 2013 [PDF]
- S. Landau, "Going Bright: Wiretapping without Weakening Communications Infrastructure", IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 11, No. 1, January/February 2013, pp. 62-72. [Cited in New York Times editorial, May 20, 2013.] [PDF]
- S. Landau, "The Large Immortal Machine and The Ticking Time Bomb", Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law, Volume 11, Issue 1 (2013), pp. 1-43. [PDF]
- Lane Harrison, Drew Skau, Steven Franconeri, Aidong Lu, Remco Chang, "Influencing Visual Judgement through Affective Priming", Proc. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013. [PDF]
- Alvitta Ottley, Evan M Peck, Lane Harrison, Remco Chang, "The adaptive user: Priming to improve interaction", ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Many People Many Eyes, 2013. [PDF]
- Paffenroth, R., Du Toit, P., Nong, R., Scharf, L., Jayasumana, A., Bandara, V. (2013) Space-time signal processing for distributed pattern detection in sensor networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Issue on Anomalous Pattern Discovery for Spatial, Temporal, Networked, and High-dimensional Signals, Vol 7., Issue. 1, February 2013.
- Paffenroth, R., Nong, R., Du Toit, P., (2013) On covariance structure in noisy, big data. Proceedings Vol. 8857, Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, October 2013, Oliver E. Drummond; Richard D. Teichgraeber, Editors.
- C. Landwehr, D. Boneh, J. Mitchell, S. Bellovin,S. Landau, and M. Lesk, "Privacy and Cybersecurity: The Next 100 Years", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100, Issue: Special Centennial Issue (2012), 1659-1673 [PDF]
- S. Landau, CALEA --- What's Next?'' (opening statement, rejoinder, short reply), Stewart Baker, Harvey Rishikof, and Bernie Horowitz, eds., Patriot Debates II: Contemporary Issues in National Security, American Bar Association, 2012.
- J. Chang, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, A. G. West, S. Kannan, I. Lee, B. T. Loo, and O. Sokolsky "AS-CRED: Reputation and Alert Service for Inter-domain Routing", IEEE Systems Journal (Special Issue on Security and Privacy of Complex Systems), vol. PP(99), Dec, 2012. [PDF]
- S. Landau and T. Moore, "Economic Tussles in Federated Identity Management", First Monday, Vol. 17, No. 10 (October 2012). [PDF]
- Pierpaolo Degano, Joshua D. Guttman (Eds.): Principles of Security and Trust - First International Conference, POST 2012, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, March 24 - April 1, 2012, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7215, Springer 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-28640-7
- Daniel J. Dougherty and Joshua D. Guttman. An algebra for symbolic Diffie-Hellman protocol analysis. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, [PDF]
- Daniel J. Dougherty and Joshua D. Guttman. Symbolic protocol analysis for Diffie-Hellman. CoRR, abs/1202.2168, 2012.
- Kathi Fisler, Stephen Bloch: Program by design: from animations to data structures (abstract only). SIGCSE 2012: 661
- Joshua D. Guttman: State and Progress in Strand Spaces: Proving Fair Exchange. J. Autom. Reasoning 48(2): 159-195 (2012) [PDF]
- Murad Kaplan, Mihajlo Zeljkovic, Mark Claypool, Craig E. Wills: How's My Network? Predicting performance from within a Web browser sandbox. LCN 2012: 521-528 [PDF]
- Mo Liu, Medhabi Ray, Dazhi Zhang, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Daniel J. Dougherty, Chetan Gupta, Song Wang, and Ismail Ari. Realtime healthcare services via nested complex event processing technology. In 15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT '12, Berlin, Germany, March 27-30, 2012
- Timothy Nelson, Daniel J. Dougherty, Kathi Fisler, and Shriram Krishnamurthi. Toward a more complete Alloy. In Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM, and Z - Third International Conference, ABZ 2012, Pisa, Italy, June 18-21, 2012. [PDF]
- John D. Ramsdell, Joshua D. Guttman, Jonathan K. Millen, Brian O'Hanlon: An Analysis of the CAVES Attestation Protocol using CPSA. CoRR abs/1207.0418 (2012)
- Salman Saghafi, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi: Features and object capabilities: reconciling two visions of modularity. AOSD 2012: 25-34 [PDF]
- Craig E. Wills, Can Tatar: Understanding what they do with what they know. WPES 2012: 13-18 [PDF]
- E. Y. Vasserman, K. K. Venkatasubramanian, O. Sokolsky, I. Lee, "Security and Interoperable Medical Device Systems, Part 2", IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, vol. 10 (6), 2012. [PDF]
- K. K. Venkatasubramanian, E. Y. Vasserman, O. Sokolsky, I. Lee, "Security and Interoperable Medical Device Systems, Part 1", IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, vol. 10 (5), 61-63, 2012. [PDF]
- Craig A. Shue, Andrew J. Kalafut, Mark Allman, Curtis R. Taylor, "On Building Inexpensive Network Capabilities," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, April 2012. [PDF]
- Craig A. Shue, Andrew J. Kalafut, Minaxi Gupta, "Abnormally Malicious Autonomous Systems and their Internet Connectivity," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 20, issue 1, pages 220 -- 229, February 2012. [PDF]
- S. Bellovin, S. Bradner, W. Diffie, S. Landau, and J. Rexford, "Can It Really Work? --- Problems with Extending EINSTEIN to Critical Infrastructure", Harvard National Security Journal, Vol. 3 Issue 1 (2012). [PDF]
- Evan M Peck, Beste F Yuksel, Lane Harrison, Alvitta Ottley, Remco Chang, "ICD3: Towards a 3-dimensional model of individual cognitive differences", IEEE VisWeek BELIV Workshop (Beyond time and errors: novel evaluation methods for information visualization), 2012. [PDF]
- Lane Harrison, Aidong Lu, "The future of security visualization: lessons from network visualization", IEEE Network Magazine, 2012.
- Lane Harrison, Riley Spahn, Mike Iannacone, Evan Downing, John R. Goodall, "NV: Nessus vulnerability visualization for the web", Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 2012. [PDF]
- Wenwen Dou, Caroline Ziemkiewickz, Lane Harrison, Dong Hyun Jeong, William Ribarsky, Xiaoyu Wany, Remco Chang, "Toward a deeper understanding of the relationship between interaction constraints and visual isomorphs", Information Visualization (IV), 2012. [PDF]
- George Coker, Joshua D. Guttman, Peter Loscocco, Amy L. Herzog, Jonathan K. Millen, Brian O'Hanlon, John D. Ramsdell, Ariel Segall, Justin Sheehy, Brian T. Sniffen: Principles of remote attestation. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 10(2): 63-81 (2011) [PDF]
- Pierpaolo Degano, Sandro Etalle, Joshua D. Guttman (Eds.): Formal Aspects of Security and Trust - 7th International Workshop, FAST 2010, Pisa, Italy, September 16-17, 2010. Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6561, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-19750-5
- Mello, Suzanne, "A Detailed Forensic Analysis and Recommendations for Rhode Island's Present and Future Voting Systems" Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Computer Science and Statistics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 2011.
- Erik M. Ferragut, David M. Darmon, Craig A. Shue, Stephen J. Kelley, "Automatic Construction of Anomaly Detectors from Graphical Models," IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security (SSCI), Apr. 2011. [PDF]
- Joshua D. Guttman: Security Goals and Protocol Transformations. TOSCA 2011: 130-147 [PDF]
- Craig Jordan, Matt Knapp, Dan Mitchell, Mark Claypool, Kathi Fisler: CounterMeasures: A game for teaching computer security. NETGAMES 2011: 1-6 [PDF]
- Mo Liu, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Daniel J. Dougherty, Chetan Gupta, Song Wang, Ismail Ari, and Abhay Mehta. High-performance nested CEP query processing over event streams. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011 [PDF]
- Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi: Do values grow on trees?: expression integrity in functional programming. ICER 2011: 39-44
- Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi: Mind your language: on novices' interactions with error messages. Onward! 2011: 3-18 [PDF]
- Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi: Measuring the effectiveness of error messages designed for novice programmers. SIGCSE 2011: 499-504 [PDF]
- Medhabi Ray, Mo Liu, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Daniel J. Dougherty, Chetan Gupta, Song Wang, Abhay Mehta, and Ismail Ari. Optimizing complex sequence pattern extraction using caching. In Serge Abiteboul, Klemens Bohm, Christoph Koch, and Kian-Lee Tan, editors, Workshops Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2011, April 11-16, 2011 [PDF]
- Craig A. Shue, Brent J. Lagesse, "Embracing the Cloud for Better Cyber Security," IEEE International Workshop on Middleware and System Support for Pervasive Computing (PERWARE), Mar. 2011. [PDF]
- Craig E. Wills, Mihajlo Zeljkovic: A Personalized Approach to Web Privacy - Awareness, Attitudes and Actions. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 19(1): 53-73 (2011) [PDF]
- Danny Yoo, Emmanuel Schanzer, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler: WeScheme: the browser is your programming environment. ITiCSE 2011: 163-167
- Wei Zhang, Craig E. Wills: Consideration of Service Time in Placing Clients of Web-Based Services. GLOBECOM 2011: 1-6 [PDF]